Thursday, February 19, 2009

Google Earth Planning Table

Location ActivityGoogle Earth Content
1.Tuscon, Arizona
Students will watch a video about desert animals and list the various attributes that helps these animals survive in the desert.
A youtube video will be available to watch.
2.Orlando, Florida
Students will view pictures of a crocodile and an alligator and read about the differences between them and be able to recognize which one lives in the United States.
A Wikipedia link will be available for both the crocodile and the alligator.
3.Orlando, Florida
Students will read about the development and placement of the NASA center in Orlando, Flordia and will explain how this impacts the Alligator's habitat.
A link will be made available to the NASA website describing the placement of the facility and its various dealings and business.
4.Phoenix, Arizona
Students will speculate how the growing population in the Phoenix area will affect the populations of the desert animal species.
A link to Wikipedia will be available concerning the encroachment of humans upon animal territory and the effects of such.
Details of image overlay / path / polygon:Images will be provided to represent the intentions of each site, such as a cactus representing the desert.

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